What we do

Our services

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Strategy and Influence

We work with clients to build disciplined and actionable strategies that influence good public policy outcomes.

We ensure that any strategy we build operates as part of the clients’ overall business strategy, identifies risks and opportunities and enables them to engage confidently in public policy issues.

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Informing Business Strategy

By thinking from a global perspective and through a business lens, our advice informs business strategy and helps clients to navigate significant risks and opportunities associated with the policy and political landscape.

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Foresight and Insight

Through our own thought leadership, analysis, and bespoke insights we assist clients to be at the forefront of emerging public policy themes.

We ensure our clients have the most considered, up to date public policy insights and are prepared to respond accordingly.

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Building Powerful Connections

We know that building influence doesn’t happen in isolation. Our longstanding, trusted networks in New Zealand and globally, ensure that clients develop wide and impactful relationships for the long run.